Monday, May 20, 2013

Re: Hans Roenau Passing

Oh my goodness! Hans was one of my favorite people in Marin, without a doubt. I'm going to post something on all of our Marin Patch sites as he was a longtime and frequent contributor. He will be sorely mossed, both professionally and personally.


Jim Welte
Associate Regional Editor, Marin Patch | cell 415.948.8919

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On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 11:44 AM, <> wrote:
We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Hans. He passed away peacefully in his home on Sunday May 19th.
We are planning to have a celebration of life towards the end of July. We will send out a notification when the time and place have been determined.
The Roenau family....

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Hans. He passed away peacefully

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Hans. He passed away peacefully in his home on Sunday May 19th.
We are planning to have a celebration of life towards the end of July. We will send out a notification when the time and place have been determined.
The Roenau family....

(no subject)

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Hans. He passed away peacefully in his home on Sunday May 19th.
We are planning to have a celebration of life towards the end of July. We will send out a notification when the time and place have been determined.
The Roenau family....

Hans Roenau Passing

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Hans. He passed away peacefully in his home on Sunday May 19th.
We are planning to have a celebration of life towards the end of July. We will send out a notification when the time and place have been determined.
The Roenau family....

Monday, May 6, 2013

Grasses at the Ponds

Grasses at the Ponds

Sunday, May 5, 2013

64,000 Drachmas Question

How did this Greco-Roman sculpture get to Stinson Beach?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Mourning Dove

A few days ago, my Greenbrae friends, Dave and Linda, alerted me to this Mourning Dove (or Turtle Dove), sitting in its nest on top of a porch light. A couple of days ago a baby was hatched. When I rushed over, the mother was doing guard duty nearby. I'll keep an eye on the nest in the hope of seeing the offspring.
Meanwhile I got educated and learned:
that males and females work together to feed their new babies something called "crop milk" or "pigeon milk" for the first few days of their life. Rich in protein and fat, it resembles cottage cheese, is secreted by the adults' crop lining, and is regurgitated to the little ones. Weaning is fast, though—by the fourth day of life, the diet starts to segue to seeds, and by two weeks, the youngsters are nearly fledged.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Egret Feather

I don't need no camera!!
Instead I merely scanned this feather against a black background. And I have some ideas of what can be done along these lines. Stay tuned!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Actinemys marmorata

Here's a Western Pond Turtle at Lake Lagunitas on Mount Tamalpais. A federally listed "vulnerable species", it is the only fresh water turtle native to California.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

More Flags

Let's hear it for the Red, White, and Blue!