Monday, January 31, 2011

Market Street

Every few months I visit the eye doctor in San Francisco. A real treat, because it means taking the Larkspur ferry and then walking up Market Street to between 1st and 2nd Streets. And I always go ape because of the myriad of photo-ops.
Since truth will out, I must confess to a traditional stop at a favorite Chinese restaurant on 2nd Street.
Today's picture shows the distorted reflection of a high-rise in the windows of another. And yes, the picture is black and white.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hans is Back!

Recently I sent out a picture of San Francisco taken from Mount Tamalpais. Some of you wrote that you liked it. But it wasn't what I had in mind. Now I have my computer back, and with it, Photoshop. So here is the picture again, and now I am satisfied (happy). Henri Cartier Bresson would spank me if he were still alive. The picture is in color, I enhansed and cropped it. Henri ~ I will mend my ways, but today, in my Photoshop exuberance, I just couldn't help myself.
By the way, somebody asked me where the Bay was in the picture. Duh! It's between the mountains and the City!
Do you note the new spring in my step?

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Clement Street is full of surprises and photo ops.

Friday, January 28, 2011

What is it?

With Chinese New Year just around the corner you should know that what you're looking at is fresh Dragon Fruit. Your's for a mere $ 2.99/lb. As seen today, on Clement Street, San Francisco's second China Town. I was on my periodic pilgrimage to Wallace, my hairstylist (until recently known as "barber"), and my favorite (globally speaking) restaurant, the Taiwan.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Great Egret

Great Egret at the Ponds a couple of weeks ago.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

San Francisco

San Francisco as seen from Mount Tamalpais a few days ago.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I know you want to hear excuses.
So here goes ~
If I had my computer with Photoshop, I would crop out the birds in the right top corner. And I would darken the birds and increase the contrast.
I took this picture early in the morning, on a very foggy morning, at the Ponds. The birds are Blackbirds, and I love the way they sit so close to each other. Their twittering is deafening.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Reflection #431

This morning at the Ponds.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I try to learn and/or experience something new every day. Today I learned about "yarnbombing". And my picture shows a yarnbomb decorating a banister near the Bovine Bakery in Point Reyes Station. A delightful work of art. Fortunately there was a little tag with a Blog-address attached to the bomb. When I returned home I wasted no time and went to the address. I learned that yarnbombs have been installed in San Rafael and Santa Cruz. The Blog is delightful and I recommend that you take a few minutes out of your busy schedule and visit ~  ~ you won't regret it.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Methinks they are Long-billed Dowitchers. But sometimes me makes a mistake. I'll probably be told they are Sandpipers. I saw them near the Corte Madera department stores.
I'm still without my computer and therefore without Photoshop. Dang!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Bob in Tunnel

Here's my friend, Bob Hollingsworth, in the new Larkspur - San Rafael bicycle/pedestrian tunnel.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

River Otter

I'm still on a borrowed computer. Best Buy, The Geek Squad, and Hewlett Packard, have treated me in the worst fashion possible. After six weeks my computer is still being worked on. Unbelievable. Meanwhile they have sent me several surveys, asking for my evaluation of their service. I fille out the surveys with glee. I am also thinking of picketing the Best Buy store with a sign reading "WORST BUY - Ask me why".
After a lot of fiddling around, I believe that I can send out my Daily E-mails on the borrowed computer. So here goes.
Today's picture is of a River Otter running across the trail at the Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District Ponds. After several years of hiking around the Ponds this is the closest I have ever been able to get to one of these beautiful creatures.

Shooting Dice

Shooting Dice

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Picture

Bob Hollingsworth in the new Bike/Pedestrian Tunnel, linking San Anselmo with San Rafael.
10-12-31 Tunnel w Bob H 030.jpg