Thursday, September 15, 2011


A Praying Mantis was trying to sneak into a performance of Henry VIII at the Sequoia Theater in Mill Valley, when it was daintily picked off the wall by a Good Samaritan lady, and deposited on the branch of a conveniently close tree. Which is when I snapped the attached picture. So much for the story. Except that Praying Mantises are not a common sight in downtown Mill Valley.
Praying Mantises can turn their heads 180 degrees. They have 2, large, compound eyes, and 3, other, simple eyes located between them. Their mating behavior is notorious. The females often eat their mates just after, or even during the main event. Females lay hundreds of eggs and nymphs hatch looking like tiny versions of their parents.
For some fascinating, though spine-chilling, Youtubes, I urge you to go to Google. But do not be misled, there is also a rock-band named "Praying Mantis".

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