Sunday, August 24, 2008


This is a picture of inadvertent street art. And yes, to my surprise, the word 'advertent' does exist and means 'heedful'. Trust me, it is true. Back to the picture. I took it this morning, on a street near Bob Towler's house, in San Rafael.
Sending out my Daily E-mails is a dicey proposition. My addressees range from anarchists to right-wing Republicans, from my eighteen-year-old granddaughter, Kelso, to my eighty-one-year-old friend, Wally. I send it to friends in Austria, Germany, New York, etc. Some of the recipients are artists, others are real art-aficionados, while some proclaim categorically "I don't like modern art". There are some photographers, and a couple are better than I. I have straights and gays. Some are linguists. Some have a great sense of humor, while a few are dry as toast.
Here's where I'm going with this ~ I want to proclaim that, unlike our politicians, I try to please only myself. Sometimes I am tempted to cater to the preference or taste of one of my addressees, then I quickly steer away from that thought and stick to my motto of "I shoot what I see". I want to remain free of outside influence. The beauty of being retired is that you don't have to kiss anybody's behind! So now you know!

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