Monday, November 15, 2010

Seeking Sherpa

Make no mistake about it (a favorite politician-on-the-campaign-trail expression) I love my Nikon D90 / Tamron 18 - 250mm camera/lens combination. That having been said (another really trite expression), I must confess, that lately I have been hankering for a bigger and better lens. With which to get closer-up pictures of birds.
The first concern in my quest is that of weight. If I am to be enthusiastic and creative in my photography, I cannot be weighed down with a huge lens and (heaven forbid) an equally huge tripod.
So this is where the Sherpa comes in. I understand these porters come in all sizes as long as what I want is small. Having shrunk considerably myself, over the past few years, that suits me just fine. I have visions of trekking around the Ponds with the Sherpa following me, carrying my gear.
I'll probably start looking by clicking on Amazon.
Today's picture of a hawk is what brought all of the above to mind. Obviously I need greater focal length. And now I rest my case.

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