Thursday, May 17, 2012


I discovered the Mallard mom sitting on her eggs on April 23d and I've been checking on her ever since. I keep my distance and talk to her, imagining that she knows me by now! I took the attached picture yesterday. The eggs must hatch soon and I hope I'll see something other than an empty nest on my next visit.
Here's what Google provided ~
The hen mallard will lay an egg a day until the clutch is complete at perhaps 8-10 eggs. Then she will begin to incubate the eggs for about 28-30 days. The eggs will all hatch on the same day, and as soon as the ducklings dry off, they will leave the nest with the hen and go to water nearby. They will not return to the nest. Do nothing to try to help the mallards. They will do just fine one their own.

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