Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rookery Again

My third trip to the Rookery. Sitting on my folding chair and watching the action! I guess I could get addicted. Fortunately there is something called "Positive Addiction". As a matter of fact I read a 1976 book by that name. William Glasser is the author, if you must know. But back to the Egrets. Every time I visit the Rookery, there are more birds. And more of the street under the trees has been blocked off. The birds are still working on their nests. Babies will appear in June/July, and that's when the fun will really begin. I wish there was a birders' call, such as "Tally-ho" (a largely British phrase, used in foxhunting, shouted when a rider sees the fox). Perhaps, with the help of my fans, I could help fill that void.

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